If your anything like me you have probably found yourself in this situation at least once or twice. You know the one where you have to troubleshoot a PRI related issue with your Carrier, and as usual they are pointing the blame at your equipment or at the vary least the configuration. Well I ran across this vary simple, but effective PRI troubleshooting flowchart on Cisco website that I actually find myself using from time to time when faced with PRI related issues.
As with any troubleshooting process you’re going to need to enable the correct logging level along with the correct debugging in order to catch the problem in the act. You can find out more about setting up the correct logging and debug levels by checking out my post on Debugging. http://www.thepacket.biz/debugging
I hope you found this post on the PRI flowchart helpful. Be sure to let me know what you think by leaving your suggestions, and feedback in the comments section below. You can find out more about these and other articles be checking out recent posts and archives. To learn more about myself be sure to check out the About page. And as always thanks again for visiting The Packet.